Saturday, March 5, 2011

March 4, 2011

My back right tire was looking low, so I filled them all up.

Figured I should get gas.  I hated every second of it.  Bad.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

March 3, 2011

Didn't lose my job.
+/- 0.00

Bought a Garrison Keillor ticket for tonight...

...and paid a damn processing fee.

Donated to KUT radio.  Felt pretty good about it.

Bought two beers at the show, which was incredible...

...and paid the tip.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

March 2, 2011

Stopped by HEB for a little Edamame for nutrition class.

Got some donations for cooking class to cover my expenses.  I come out about even, because we still have some stuff left over (kale, lettuce, a tomato, and some onion).

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March 1, 2011

Had to get some veggies for Nutrition and Cooking Class tomorrow.

Hopefully, I'll get some donations from students.  Especially because our school will probably be closed within the month.