Bought some incense (nag champa).
Stopped by Half Price Books up at Anderson Mill and found lots of great stuff. Found: The Castle in the Forest by Norman Mailer, Harlot's Ghost by Norman Mailer, The John Fante Reader edited by STephen Cooper, Thus Spake the Corpse by Black Sparrow Press, Crash by JG Ballard, The Paris Review No. 94, A Night of Serious Drinking by René Daumal, Fear of Dreaming by Jim Carroll, Oblivion by David Foster Wallace, Excercises in Style by Raymond Queneau, The Queen of Spades and Other Stories by Alexander Pushkin, Kiss Me, Judas by Christopher Baer, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey, The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco, Babbitt by Sinclair Lewis, Penny Dreadful by Christopher Baer, The Virgin of Flames by Chris Abani, Chaucher's Canterbury Tales, La Totalidad De La Vida by Krishnamurti, Wisdom and Wit by Abraham Lincoln, The Underachieving School by John Holt, Herman Hesse: Writers for the 70s by Edwin Casebeer, and The Name of the World by Denis Johnson.
Hit Recycled Reads for some bilingual kids books. Found about 25 kids trade books, including some bilinguals, some Spanish, some César Chavez biographies. Also found the following big boy books: Deadly Sins by various, including Pyncohn, Vidal, Updike, The Time of the Hero by Mario Vargas Llosa, The Ark Sakura by Kobo Abe, Collected Novelas by Gabriel García Márquez, Don Quijote de la Mancha by Cervantes, Doce Cuentos Peregrinos by Gabriel García Márquez, and Ficciones: Alianza Emece by Jorge Luis Borges.
Made some copies, bought some pens, and laminated some stuff to teach at Posada Esperanza tomorrow (eating with the five senses).